Sonntag, 4. Dezember 2016

Sam is NOT addicted to demon blood.

Since the last episode 12x04 aired I'm repeatedly seeing post's and gifs with Sam's supposed addiction, and this is getting annoying.
Seriously, why don't people get it?? Repeating illogical statements will not make them suddenly logical. Never heard of 'molecular biology', 'genetics', 'genome'?? Nope?

Now please, again Sam is NOT, I repeat NOT addicted to demon blood.


Sam wasn't addicted, because the corrupted demon blood was needed to transform / mutate Sam genetically into a supernatural entity. This has nothing to do with drug abuse, this is about manipulating the human genome aka the genetic material of an organism, and transforming it into a NEW METAPHISICAL BEING / ENTITY. And by being a metaphysical / supernatural entity Sam gains than through his supernatural-being new strength’s, simply because there are no earthly material limitations anymore, to which we humans are bound to.

And Dean has no clue, because he has no clue of how biology and the metaphysical realm functions and therefor just parrots the lies the angels (aka metaphysical beings, duh) dictate him. The angels were scared, because Sam would have been UNIQUE, an one of it's kind supernatural-human being that can directly interact between the dimensions. Remember Sam was suppose to reign hell, but not as a 'normal' demon in a meat suite, but as a mutated human demonized Sam in flesh himself.

What Dean only had done, by forcing Sam to stop taking the corrupted blood, was nothing other than forcing Sam's supernatural-genome to transform back into it's natural-human form.
So Sam's compulsive need for the corrupted blood, was nothing other than his metabolism telling him it needs more corrupted blood to process the metaphysical transformation. Ergo NOT addiction but METABOLISM aka the set of life-sustaining chemical transformations within the cells of living organisms...Capice? 
In general blood is a biological data carrier, it contains ALL genetic information, and is therefor always UNIQUE, and PURE. Hence blood is much more than a 'type'... it's life!
Demons on the other hand are metaphysical utterly rotten, twisted, nefarious and eon old incorporeal entities, and the moment they possess a human being aka meat suite, they literally overthrow / conquer the biological human system and mind for their needs, and thereby the once unique and pure human, not only gets mentally but also physically corrupted. And that includes also the blood. The human blood now contains new information, has been altered, rewritten and is therefor corrupted. The definition of corrupt is according to Merriam Webster dictionary “to change (something) so that it is less pure or valuable / to become tainted or rotten”. And that is what the corrupted demon blood did, it tainted, changed Sam's DNA.

And precisely this is what Sam tried to say to Dean in season 4x04 “Metamorphosis”
SAM: “I've got demon blood in me, Dean! This disease pumping through my veins, and I can't ever rip it out or scrub it clean! I'm a whole new level of freak! “
And season 8x21 “The Great Escapist”
SAM: “(...) I remember... thinking, uh, I could never go on a quest like that. Because I'm not clean. I mean, I w— I was just a little kid. You think... maybe I knew?”

So, literally when Sam is saying “I can't rip it out or scrub it clean and I'm not clean” than he is telling Dean his blood, his genome has been corrupted, is tainted, has been deliberately changed by the demon Azazel. Therefor to say Sam is addicted, is utter nonsense, and very ignorant, simply because a drug no matter if legal or illegal doesn't CHANGE the blood, human genome (the genetic material of an organism) and therefor can't be simply taken out by withdrawal.

Further by saying “I'm a whole new level of freak” Sam is literally telling Dean he does not belong to the human NORM / standard anymore. Hence saying the standard medical methods do not apply to him. The definition of 'freak' according to Merriam Webster dictionary is: “one that is markedly unusual or abnormal”. Saying Sam is because of the manipulation of his blood, not human anymore but a supernatural entity. So it makes absolutely no sense to say he is addicted.

And precisely here lies the dilemma of our time, we get ideas from ancient metaphysical texts, written by individuals whose worldview and perception were determined by metaphysics and than try to push, shove these highly complex and advanced philosophies into a narrowed empirical materialistic mind set. And the result is as we can see incoherent and incomprehensible.

Therefor please, stop regurgitating the angel propaganda or Dean's incapability to comprehend modern molecular biology.

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