SPN 12x09 "First Blood" Mature
Now after waiting around
six weeks (were they 6 weeks?) and tumblr not helping much to
overcome the hiatus blues, except for my 2 month old puppy, she
helped me a lot. Side note who every gets a puppy, keep in mind they
want 100% attention. Yep, not 99% they want it ALL! They are sweet
little monsters. Thanks to Lotte I didn't have much time to ponder
about the awkwardness of Supernatural. One could say a blessing and
curse at the same time.
Back to the topic,
“First Blood”.... contrary to the bee hive mind set aka unpopular
opinion I wasn't very fond of this episode. IMO it lacked real nail
biting tension. Seriously Sam & Dean were locked up in an US
GOVERNMENT BLACK OP SECRET PRISON. No lawyer, no court, no warrant,
no trial. And everyone acts like it's a normal thing in a so called
FREE DEMOCRATIC society! What's wrong with you SJW's? This is utterly
fucked up business. Or is it now US accepted common practice, to
tolerate secret government prisons? To tolerate government torture?
As a German this gives me the creeps, because this is how the
academic world defines dictatorships. Which reminds me of President
Obama saying “We torture some folks”... or President Obama's
infamous “Kill list's aka Disposition
Matrix”, hence KILLING people all over the world with out trial.
And the only problem the US youth has is their pussy or dick? I hope
one day the US get their priorities straight, because believe me, if
not the US (Empire) is in big trouble.
Saying, this could have been awesome nail biting episode, but nay
lets ignore the elephant in the room.
Just FYI according
to Wikipedia “Black sites operated by the U.S. government and its
surrogates were first officially acknowledged by U.S. President
George W. Bush in the fall of 2006. The International Committee of
the Red Cross reported details of black site practices to the U.S.
government in early 2007, and the contents of that report became
public in March 2009.... An important
aspect of black site operation is that the legal status of black site
detainees is not clearly defined. In practice, inmates in black sites
have no rights other than those given by the captors...The
U.S. government does not provide information about the operation of
black sites, and for a period of time did not provide information
about the existence of black sites.”
further about US government using torture, one UK judge observed
'America's idea of what is torture ... does not appear to coincide
with that of most civilized nations'.
retrospect THIS is what I had in mind when watching the brothers
being held in a secret US prison, on US soil.... And how did SPN
portrait this scenario? Sam is doing some work out and Dean appears to be a bit fustrated, so yeah it looks like they are very intimidated. Further by letting Mary and Castiel act in a calm and
IMO boring fashion. I don't get it, the brothers are being held by
the US government in a black site, with out legal trial and Castiel
the non-angel is just sitting there counting the days and is not in
any way furious how a so called free society can act in such manner?
And Mary is literally more interested in getting the vampires killed
than to investigate where her son's could be, and how it can be that
the US government has the audacity to kidnap her son's and lock them
away in Pinochet / Stalin death squad stile. But please buckle up
because she is a fast driver, oh please give me a brake! WTF
what kind of storytelling is this? Again it's like the beginning of
the 12th
season, SPN starts with a very questionable topic, namely kidnapping
and torture and than simply ignores it. Then it's the same here, a
very questionable topic is being used as bait and than deliberately
ignored. And the viewers are not bothered, not at all. As if such
Stalin-isch illegal government actions are absolutely okay and
utterly common in the United States of America.
too old for this kind of bull shit.
forward, we than get to find out that Sam and Dean had made a 'get
out of prison' deal with the reaper Billie. Really? Is that all the
SPN writers can offer? IMO a cheap move. But this zero fantasy act
leads us to Castiels pep talk. Okay I get it, some viewers thought
the angel saying out loud how he thought the 'Winchesters' are
important for mankind, was a nice thing. Me, I thought how pathetic.
Further what's wrong with this angel. In general angels are
metaphysical beings and have absolutely nothing in common with
earthly beings. So him not having so called 'wings' and celestial
power anymore, is sans logic. Yeh, I know it's SPN cannon, but still
it's utter crap, simply because SPN is trying to “sell” the
concept of a humanoid celestial being, which is a contradiction and
as I said before is utter BS. So, this what ever entity is hanging
out in the bunker, not knowing what to do, even try’s to contact
the DEMON Crowley for help, but Crowley refuses, and so he just
waits. What's wrong with this picture? Correct Castiel is sitting in
the middle of the worlds finest library of occult and metaphysical
knowledge and does nothing. I mean how stupid can it get, all he
would have to do is look for a 'finding or location' spell. But if
the spell wouldn't have worked, than he could have contacted some
other angels. Let's not forget there are other angel dudes out there.
Remember angel radio? Seriously even my puppy Lotte is smarter than
this metaphysical entity. And this circumstance leads to the major
question, why this pathetic 'O Winchester' speech? Or was the scene
only constructed to get rid of Billie the reaper threat and thereby
reinforce Castiel's loyalty towards the Winchesters? Like I said a
cheap move...
Alas the British MoL....
seriously using a 'satellite' device to locate the brothers? What's
this a “Mission Impossible” crossover? What happened with magic
and the supernatural per se, not hip enough? Okay the Brit MoL have
their agents in high government positions, but isn't this the norm
with high potential secret societies, hence no big surprise. Well,
not for me. What are these Brit. MoL suppose to be? Because at the
moment they appear to be like ordinary desperate headhunters. The
torture didn't work, so now they chose the ol' fashion face to face
recruitment tactic? Which begs the question why did they torture Sam
in the first place? Because it seems they have no difficulty finding
other US American hunters. Also the 'clean up' of the government
black op team wasn't necessary, actually IMO when using simple logic,
eliminating the government agents would cause more trouble than
Why? First of all it's not
stealth and it raises questions. The black op unite could belong to
the US Army, Navy or Air Force intelligence, hence military. Military
are hierarchical systems, which means, the companies, units what
ever, do not operate on their own, they receive orders and act on
their behalf. Therefor eliminating this unite will cause an
investigation and evaluation of what had happened. Which means more
military people are going to be involved. Further in reality this act
will be seen as a terrorist attack on US soil, and as we all know
this is a declaration of war and will not be ignored. Therefor SPN
portraying the black op unite as a bunch of imbeciles just shows the
official US propaganda (yes President Obama repealed the Smith Mundt
act), namely downplaying the importance, influence and capability of
the US Military and Intelligence agencies.
In general the reason for such
'downplaying' in the media is nothing other than to deceive the public. I mean
lets face it, probably a majority here on tumblr doesn't even know
that the USA is at war now for over 15 years. And is heavily bombing
and invading with out the approval of congress BUT with the help of NATO other countries. So by portraying
the military and their black op units as stupidos only fulfills the
government agenda, namely to keep the war and militarization of the
country out of the masses their consciousness.
About the brothers Sam and
Dean. So SPN want's to make me believe that Dean, who was in hell and
Purgatory, and Sam who was for centuries locked up together with
Lucifer in the cage, who also endured painful supernatural trials
which had caused his death and just not long ago was kidnapped and
tortured by a psychopathic Brit. MoL. Hence now both are having
issues with being locked up and kept in isolation by HUMAN BEINGS?
Somehow the relations don't fit. Is SPN trying to tell me that being
held by powerful mind bending metaphysical beings such as Alistair
and Lucifer isn't that bad in comparison with being held by human
beings. Okay... nope not buying that crap. Sorry, IMO it doesn't make
sense. Further they had the opportunity to get free. Because lets be
realistic, when they were brought to their cell, both were not
shackled and only guarded by three not so heavily armed soldiers, so
they could have used this 'unsecured' moment for their advantage.
Just saying something odd is going on. Because truth is, the brothers
are the 'James Bond' of the supernatural, they are trained to
In conclusion this episode
lacked common sense and was confusing, because the brothers and their
allies were portrait in a fashion which contradicts their usual
familiar motivation and behavior. Somehow I can't get rid of the
feeling that I'm perceiving an alternative SPN soap opera universe.
Where the major protagonist are portrayed in a sweet but mundane
fashion and the antagonist are just plainly stupid.
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