Freitag, 15. November 2013

REVIEW "Heaven Can't Wait" S906

Review of SPN S906
Erstausstrahlung 12.11.20013, auf dem Sender CW
Drehbuch: Robert Berens
Regie: Rob Spera

!!ACHTUNG für den Deutsch sprachigen Raum SPOILER GEFAHR!!

-Heaven Can't Wait-

Ganz ehrlich... ich hatte mehr erwartet.
Gut, der Titel „Heaven Can't Wait“ ist sicherlich eine Anspielung auf dem Film von 1978 „Heaven Can Wait“ mit Warren Beatty. Der damalige Film handelte von einem Los Angeles Football Spieler, der aus versehen von einem übereifrigen Engel zu früh ins Jenseits befördert wurde, auf das Malheur aufmerksam gemacht, kommt er in dem Körper eines zuvor ermordeten Millionär, wieder zurück auf die Erde. So der Plot.

Außer, dass hier ein übereifriger Engel vorkommt hört der Vergleich mit unserer Folge auf.
Hand aufs Herz, diese Castiel Szenen mutieren bis jetzt zu einer Soap Opera. Nun ich gebe ganz ehrlich zu, ich bin kein Castiel Fan, und verstehe auch diesen hype um ihn nicht. Als Engel war er ein loser und als Mensch ist er auch ein loser. Ich wette zu 100% alle Castiel Fans da draußen würden in der Realität an „Steve“ aka Castiel den Tankstellen Angestellten blind vorbeilaufen. Auch frage ich mich was sollen diese „Baby-Szenen“? Als Dean unser Macho mit Baby Kenntnisse daher kam und „Smoke On The Water“ Sang, war dies echt was putziges. Aber jetzt in dieser Folge? Bitte und Castiel / Steve singend „Believe It Or Not“ von Mike Post aus der Serie „Greatest American Hero“ von 1981, warum nur. Persönlich fand ich diese Szene unnötig und sah dies eher als eine schlechte Wiederholung der Dean / Baby Szene.

Meine Vermutung, wahrscheinlich wollen die „Macher“ von SPN den leider realistisch „verrückt“ gewordenen „Castiel & Dean“ Shipper mit dieser Folge beruhigen. Ich persönlich fand sie unnötig. Ja Castiel ist jetzt ein Mensch, noch dazu ein langeweiler und ja ich brutal mit meiner Aussage, genauso brutal wie die irren Shippers da draußen, die den Regisseur und der SPN-Crew der Folge „I'm No Angel“ im Twitter mit Drohungen daher kamen, so jetzt übt Toleranz wie unser einer es euch gegenüber tut. Da ich, hetero Frau eh nichts mit diesem ganzen Homoerotik Mist anfangen kann, und noch dazu Inzest verabscheue egal ob real oder Fiktion finde ich dieses geshippe nur nervig.

So, wir haben Castiel einen langweiligen übereifrigen Tankstellenangestellten, der etwas bizarres beobachtet, und statt selber auf die jagt zu gehen, Dean den Hunter anruft. Hier hätte es viel Potenzial gegeben um Castiel / Steve in „menschlicher“ Aktion zusehen. Aber nee, wir dürfen zusehen wie der Mensch Castiel / Steve Regale einräumt. Ähm... ja supi. Seine Begründung „als Engel war er ein loser und jetzt will er als Mensch Demut“ zeigen, ja nee klar. Und Dean, hallo? War da nicht etwas? Etwas was Dean, der ja Castiel die Sicherheit des Bunkers verweigert hatte um seinen von einem Engel besessen Bruder zu schützen, hätte vielleicht mit Dean typischen Dialogen etwas würzen können. Da bekommen wir Sprüche wie „du bist jetzt ein Hunter in Ausbildung“ oder Tipps für das anbaggern des opposite sex. Entschuldigt bitte, aber diese Dialoge haben einen Bart und durch Wiederholung mit Castiel / Steve werden diese nicht besser. Sorry Jensen, dein Schauspieltalent konnte da leider nichts retten. Einzig was die Szenen brachten war, dass jetzt die Castiel/Dean Shipper beruhigt wurden und wieder schmachten können. 

Auch der pseudo FBI Agent Name „Lee Ermy“ war nett, aber ging leider in der Folge unter. Für die Zuschauer den es nicht aufgefallen sein sollte, Lee Ermy ist der Schauspieler der den Drill -Instructor Gunnery Sergeant Hartman in Stanly Kubricks „Full-Metal Jacket“ und den Sheriff in der neu Verfilmung von „The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 'The Beginning'“ spielte. Wie gesagt, war irgendwie trotz der dominanten Farbe „Rosa“ an den Schauplätzen recht farblos.

Und die Geschichte selber brachte, außer dass die Engel jetzt auf der Erde am Rad drehen, nicht viel neues. Oder vielleicht doch...
Keine Ahnung wie vielen Zuschauern es aufgefallen ist, jedoch -erkennt- Castiel sofort, dass es sich hier um einen Engel mit den Namen Ephrim handelt. Auch erkannte er in der Folge 9.01 den Engel Hael sofort. ABER Ezekiel und den abtrünnigen Reaper April erkennt er nicht? Komisch ist auch, dass in der Folge 9.01 der etwas erboste Engel, der Dean in der Mangel hatte, zu dem gegenüber stehenden Engel (Ezekiel) wörtlich sagt „ich erkenne dich nicht“.

Aus dieser Logik heraus könnte man vermuten, dass die abtrünnigen Engel und Reaper nicht sichtbar sind. Hmm... gibt viel Raum für Spekulationen. Soweit ich informiert bin wird sich dies in der Folge „Holy Terror“ am 3.12. 2013 vielleicht aufklären.

Jetzt zu Sam und Crowley, ja ich hatte da viel Spannung erwartet, insbesondere da Crowley ein Dämon ist, dass er vielleicht den Zeke erkennen könnte und somit Sam damit ein wenig piesackt. Naja war nüscht. Sicherlich gab es schöne Szenen mit Sam & Crowley aber sie halfen nicht die Enttäuschung zu überbrücken. Auch der sogenannte Anruf zwischen Crowley und Abaddon war zwar nett, aber im Nachhinein erfuhren wir Zuschauer nichts neues. Ja Abaddon ist böse und Crowley ist entmachtet ergo nüscht was wir seit 9.01 nicht schon wussten. Kevin als der übernervöse ängstlich skeptische Prophet, tat das was er immer tut übernervös, ängstlich und skeptisch zu sein. Auch der Spruch Dean gegenüber „..ja alle 24 Bände sind da“ erschien irgendwie künstlich.
Seufz und die letzte Szene bei dem Crowley Kevins Blut spritzt, kann alles und nichts sein wie „Crowley ist jetzt süchtig nach menschlichem Blut“ oder „er will vielleicht einen Hauch Prophet in sich tragen“ oder was weiß ich. Sicherlich wird es was SPN aufregendes sein. Aber jetzt ist es eine einfache aber unschlüssige Szene, trotz Sams spionieren.

Bis jetzt hatte ich bei SPN eine noch nie so schlecht geschriebene Geschichte gesehen, entweder war was sozial kritisches oder witzige Dialoge zwischen den Brüder zu hören. Aber bei dieser Geschichte, keine Ahnung was die sollte, sie brachte nichts neues über Engel und dass Dean Recherche nicht mag wissen wir Zuschauer auch. Weiter dass Sam Crowley nicht vertraut ist nichts neues und Kevins „Doodles“ waren auch nicht der Hit. Aus wissenschaftlicher Sicht leider unlogisch, glaubt mir ich habe Ägyptologie studiert, folglich kenne ich mich etwas aus was das entziffern alter Texte belangt. Folglich etwas was nicht verständlich ist in eine nicht verständliche Sprache aufzuschreiben ist wie gesagt unlogisch.

Fazit, keine Ahnung ob es daran lag, dass Robert Berens noch nicht so vertraut ist mit SPN, oder er den Auftrag bekam die Castiel & Dean Fans zu beruhigen, jedenfalls ist diese Folge mit Abstand die erste schlechteste Folge von den 9 Staffeln bei SPN, die ich je gesehen habe.
Nichts desto trotz freue ich mich wie ein Leuchtkeks auf die kommende Folge „Bad Boys“!

Montag, 4. November 2013

An open letter to the Supernatural Team

Dear Supernatural Team,

sorrow arises my heart hearing that your talented, openhearted and hard working team must face such resentment by some commentators in the social media. Please accept my maxima mea culpa, I can only offer some comforting words in “weired” English as for my native tongue is used too babble in German.
I would like to thank you for the beautiful hours you gave and are still offering, hours full of suspense, tragedy and an exceptional brotherly companionship played by two remarkable actors. Once unknown to each other and now chosen brothers by heart.

But these two talented actors couldn't have done such a extremely good job without your words, your imagination, your humor, your knowledge, your courage to illustrate in an artificial world a constant reality of hope, love and understanding.

“Saving people, hunting things” a chorus we all can sing, knowing whatever evil shall come are brothers will conquer not by strength just by the pure bound of familiarly love and trust.

Love such a small lightly and excessively spelled word has been degraded in are modern days, to be slated as a false friend for the unfulfilled illusions of a lost generation. A generation searching for boundaries, principles and sincerity. A generation used to get everything but only gaining emptiness, hollow words and cheap slogans.

Tolerance, love, benevolence and generosity are attributes of men, but also ignorance, envy and destruction.
A person may choose as he will.
The human Will a fragile idea invisible merged between causes and consequences. So you have taught us, the causes are seldom seen only the brutal consequences are witnessed.

Sadly to say I personally noticed that are modern fast living society has lost its ability to acknowledge the logical quantities of causes and accepts only one easy believable cause as a solution for the momentum.
Consequences are being culturally denied, therefore to accept a different view is irrelevant.
I'm right, therefore I am.

“Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”
Martin Luther King Jr.

This marvelous man warned us, but his words have been blown out of the way lost in time only to be collected when needed by egos.

Your extraordinary scripts showed the viewer that there is more to the eye then despaired house wifes, diaries of dicks or our daily artificial TV police shows solving scripted political correct murders.
Dialogs are of no use anymore only what the eye thinks it sees, is real. The ear once a useful tool registered the softly pronounced nuance in a spoken language are now reserved for the Justin Bibers of our time.

No time for Poe, Shelly or Lovecraft no time for poetry; a Hallmark Card will do. Greek mystics are reduced now to half naked men and sexy women. Not the tragedy of Medea or Ulysses; flawed humans fighting desperately against ultimate egoist Gods; knowing that Hades is waiting and the Faiths already know by the beginning the ending.
Even though the ancient Greek actors wore masks and there was no setting or preps the audiences were enthusiastic, the spoken word was the action and the not spoken the enigma to solve.

English modernized by Francis Bacon now the beacon of the spoken word Shakespeare opened the veil to a new universe of love and tragedy, the plebs applauds furiously and the renown nobility hides there emotions behind masks feared to be disguised whispering “by the prickle of my thumb something wicked this way comes / Open locks Whoever knocks...”

“If there's a key, then there has to be a lock.” Thank you for such profound logic, even now years later I'm still laughing at this scene and thanks to Jareds acting, it sounded so natural and by logic natural clumsy.

But the best of all were the Leviathans a modern day social study. I loved Dick Roman, a monster portrayed as a modern successful wealthy business man, the so called mainstream media, or the real-estate lady killing the mom and pops stores and showing what modified food does to the health. WOW what a courage to point the real and existing flaws of our modern society. I owe you my deepest respects for such guts, showing the ugliness of our world in such a easy manner.

All in all I can only hope and pray that the ignorant illusionist lose there annoying loudness and the silent sweet voices arise strengthened by love and appreciation by such talented team as you are and conquer by admiration!

Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.

I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand

How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep - while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?

Edgar Allen Poe

All I can do is bow and say danke schön for the lovely hours

Review "Slumber Party" S904


After watching “Slumber Party” I felt like yea that was a fun peace of film. Beautiful arranged and the remark in the beginning with the expelled appreciation to the SPN Fandom, ahh great! Some hours later I analyzed it and then OK... not so good. Yikkes! Torn between lets have some fun & German angst O_O.

First of all, I like Charlie, she is fun no doubt, but thats it. She is a “relaxing” character and fits perfect into the SPN Universe, but getting exaggerating over her, nay.
The same with Dorothy, yes today it is no big deal having “strong” women on board, but sometimes this “gender-crap / social-engineering: strong women and stupid men” is too much. Sorry to say the feminine-woman-lib propaganda was strongly recognizable. Less “women-lib” would also have done. But who cares, I'm probably the only one that noticed it.

Now the main issue.
I adore the references with the old movies, next time I would like to have a Peter Lorre or a Charles Laughton as the villains, that would be fun. But hey you can't have it all.
Ah 'sigh' “There's no place like home” what a beautiful refrain, now both have a home, a refugee, a castle of their own.
Sams pov understandable, the definition of home is mainly bound with warm memories. Poor Sam no such memories for him. But as they say “Never say never”...
Excuse me, “I don't have a home” was the hole Dorothy Sam inside discussion?
OK, mens logical psychology: “I said something, what do you want more?” I understand, but I'm a woman I need more for cryn out loud, something you can serve with warm cacao and whip cream, not that.
And Dean, hmm... the same old Dean “nobody beloved dies under my watch!” Consequences? Yes, but not for now. All at a time, there is a time for action and a time for “we will find a bridge” Dean style. Love it or leave it.
Dean wtf are you doing? Snap your fingers and Zek comes along, ahh Sam can wait. Listen Itchit, this Zek-issue thing is getting awkward, now you use him now you don't. Sam/Zek isn't a Duracell battery rabbit what ye can turn on and off. It uses energy, never heard of energy saving?

“Who is Zeke?” Gotcha!
Now it's getting tricky. Poor Dean, “lies have short legs” as we say in Germany, being smart with “Angels are organizing”, then “I found Cas address in the pocket”, Charley rising from the dead, the strange behavior and now the -who is- question?
How long can a brave hearted person with good intention keep such a fundamental lie, until he brakes down by the weight of his sweet honey pastured false stories?

The lies are piling up, the foundation of the new bounded brotherly trust is slightly cracking.
Especially knowing that Sam is now “feeling happy” for the first time in his life and also experiencing the comfortableness of a 'home', ohh boy...this isn't going to end too well.

My resume, “Slumber Party” is a beautiful made old style Supernatural. The screenwriters exploited the fandom, the Sam-home issue, and Dean did what is always does creating the causes for the exploding crescendo.
All in all I had fun watching the show, and that is imo the main thing!

Sonntag, 3. November 2013

A Beautiful Mind


I noticed, that quite a few viewers were astonished that Sam after all those years “suddenly” embraced Death. 
But as I will show, the screenwriters gave us viewers a beautiful clue or not who knows. Probably some of you devoted fans already solved the Sam “wanting to stay alive but than to chose death” contradiction. But for the ones out there that are still irritated, I would be delighted to guide you through imo Sams mind.

Like I wrote in Ultimate Sacrifice I personally see Sam as an analytic person, don't forget he once wanted to become a lawyer and the “Mind-Scenes” imo show how Sam was “thinking”.
Especially in the “Mind-Scenes” you get the answer, that death is only a logical result of empirical thinking.
If you analyze the driving (Impala) scene, you have three different characteristics Bobby, Dean and Sam.
Instead of using the names, use the main symbolic of these characteristics. For example:
Bobby = Reason / Dean = Sense / Sam = Ego.

It may seem odd, and elaborate but I can insure you it's imo quite exciting to explore Sams thinking and why he actually chose death. It's like laying out a puzzle, and putting the pieces together.

Mind-Scene I:
Scene in the Impala, the car emphasizes home, familiarity. Sens tries to explain the situation to Ego.
Then Ego realizes whats happening.

-EGO: “If I'm dying, you are you but you are the part that wants to live, but if you don't have any idea how am I supposed to fight? Am I supposed to be fighting at all?
(= Ego questions Sens. Sens can not give a logical answer, therefor Ego scrutinizes Sens argument.)

Suddenly Bobby apears in the back seat.

-REASON to SENS: “The kids got a good point
(= Now Reason kicks in and affirms Egos consideration.)

-SENSE to EGO: “Shut up
(= Sens reacts to Reason, in a harsh way, not happy seeing Reason)

-SENSE to REASON: “You're welcome for the hell rescue
(= Sense sees that he is loosing control over Ego. Reason is now taking the lead.)

-REASON to SENSE: “First of all you didn't rescue me, EGO did. Second of all EGO you are in a coma,...sometimes that just the way things go.
(= Reason confirms Sens but more, but underlines the -coma- fact and points out that there is no alternative or idea how to solve the dying issue.)

-SENS to REASON: ”There is always a way, you taught us that!
(= It seems that Reason educated Ego and Sens, with the result, that there are always solutions)

-REASON to SENS: ”You mean like the way one of you itchits does some bad-ass crazy thing to beat death like selling your soul!
(= Reason hasn't accepted the actions of Sens / brother but Sens understands and emphasizes with his brother. Here we have the indication, what once Sam said to Dean, that he always looked up to his big brother.)

-SENS to REASON: “Like selling my soul
(= affirms, comprehends Sens / brothers action) 
-REASON to SENS: ”Like that worked so well the last time.
(=Reason shows that the irrational actions of Sens / brother are not logical therefore tend to fail hence no solution)

-EGO: “Enough both of you! I CAN'T HEAR MYSELF THINK!
(= Ego is trying to find a logical solution for the inevitable situation)

-SENS to EGO:”You are not buying that?
(= Sens surprised by Egos outburst and is getting slightly nervous)

-REASON to SENS: ”Excuse me are you dead, cause I am, and maybe I'm here cause a part of Ego, that actually knows what I'm talking about!
(= Now the camera focuses on Ego eyes, and here you can see the moment when Ego acknowledges that he's already more dead than alive. The doctor said that the machines can keep the body alive, but the brain was cut off too long from oxygen. Hence Reason is right. Exactly here imo is the moment were Sam/Ego accepts death as the final logical solution)

-SENS to REASON: ”I'm in the front seat, Ego put me here cause he wants me here, because he wants to fight, right?
(= Sens is trying to take back the lead, by demonstrating his hierarchical position, and by that showing Reason that his stand is secondary, therefore not on Egos priority list)

Now Reason sits in the front row between Ego and Sens.
Priority change, Reason is taking the lead.
Forrest setting, Reason and Ego are alone in a calm and relaxing environment and evaluate the apparent situation.

-REASON: ”Am I right?
(= Reason is seeking approval.)

-EGO: “I want to fight..."
(= Ego hasn't totally given into Reason, his trust is still bounded on Sens.)

-REASON: ”...have nothing to swing in, punching at shadows, you got to let go fighting and scratching and finding loopholes because that ain't happening.
(= Reason, gives a logical explanation, that fighting against nothingness is like Sisyphus, compelled to roll an immense boulder up a hill, only to watch it roll back down, and to repeat this action forever. There will be and there is no solution)

-EGO: “So I die?
(= Ego is still not convinced that dying is the solution, Ego is still searching for an explanation)

-REASON: “Die? All the good you done, all the people you saved, you saved the world son! How many people can say that? How many people can say that they have left this God save hunker dirt that much a better place. What you call dying I call leaving a legacy!
(= Reason exhibits Egos explicit dilemma. Ego/Sam saved the world and nobody not his brother, Bobby or Castiel gave him credit for sacrificing himself by throwing Lucifer in the pit, the only one that trusted him was Death. And now sacrificing himself again for what? Fighting against shadows...)

CUT / Hospital = Notice that Ezekiel says that he can heal Sam, even though Castiel said in “Goodby Stranger” that he with his angel power can not save Sam “You are damaged in a way that I can't even heal”. But Ezekiel can? Hmm... strange?

Cut / Mind-Scene II:
Forrest, Ego and Reason are walking toward a cabin.

-REASON: “Here it is, everything inside you need to help you on your way, go on son, I'll be waiting with a couple of cold ones...
(= Reason comforting Ego in doing the right decision. That Ego can expect help. He only has to accept it.)

Camera focus on Sam / Ego, total acceptances because logical, but silently mourns the moment. Suddenly Reason is being stabbed by Sens and vanishes. Sens prevails.

-EGO:” Sens are you insane?
(=Ego totally shocked by Sens brutal action.)

-SENS: ”Come on (little) Ego, Reason is the part of you that wants to die. I know it stinks but he had to go!
(= Sens is taking back the lead by killing Reason his adversary. Notice the emphasis on the ending from Egos Name “Sammy”. This imo indicates that the emotional part of Sam sees himself always as the little brother, a little one that needs guidance)

-EGO: “You have to go! When will you realize, it's over! There is nothing to fight for!
(= Now Ego is trying to explain to Sense, that fighting is completely in vain. Fighting against shadows... Sens has lost his guidance, without a path / idea, Sens has no solution.)

-SENS: ”Now Ego, I know you don't believe that.
(= Sens is without doubt still convinced of his actions)

-EGO: “Really? Whats your plan Sens?
( = But now Ego questions provokes Sens motivation more specifically anticipates that Sens has no answer to the solution! Therefore Sens is lost.)

-Sens: “My plan is to fight! My plan is to try! My plan is to give a damn! You are telling me there is nothing? You are telling me there is nothing to fight for? That there is nothing to hope for?
(= Sens recognizes that he has lost against logic (passive) and uses force (active) to underline his point of view, because Sense has no idea no solution, except fighting. Fighting against shadows...)

-EGO: “No, I'm telling you there is. You may not like it. You might not accept it. But it is in there, it is in that house!
(= Ego, like always takes patiently the active punches from Sens, thereby is trying to explain that there is a solution a passive one, the total acceptance of pure logic without emotions / sens. But without the guide Sens)

-SENS: “You know what's in that house! Now I can't help you, if you ain't willing to fight for your self!
(=Sens is holding Ego, afraid to let go, knowing that when Ego lets go he also vanishes into passivity not having the possibility anymore to convince logic, that being active, even if you have to fight against shadows, that this is the solution, that this is life!)

Camera focus on Ego. Silently Ego takes Sens hands of his body and looses the pressure. Thereby keeping Sens hands tenderly in his own.

-EGO: “It's what I want...
(= Softly with patience Ego embraces Reason, and with a companionably farewell gesture lets Sens go...there is no logic in fighting against shadows...)

Sens vanishes into nothingness...
Exhausted, Ego walks towards the cabin, not sure what is awaiting him inside, but confident in doing the right thing, because its logical and a final solution. Sound and safe. No more fighting against shadows...

Sam imo didn't just hand himself easily to Death, he fought eagerly with all the strength he had left.
Like Sherlock Holmes once said:
... when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.”
In Sams case after evaluating all possibilities, Death was the only truth that remained.

No more fighting against shadows...

Only if Sens would have an idea a plan... Ego would truely give without questioning or doubt, the lead back to Sens, his Pathfinder, his Lifesaver...
But thats an other story.

Review "I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here" S901

Ufff...what a start O_O
O mill , what hast thou ground?
Precious they wheat:
It is not oats thou hast ground,
But blood-red wheat.
Dean, Dean Dean what hast thy done?

Remember, what happened after Dean brought Sam back the first time from Death? Well it did not go so well. Dean selling his soul to a Demon, Sam left alone without self-esteem, and Dean saying „deal with it“, than landing in hell and opening the first seal.
Hmmm... resume, bad idea. And now? Caution, Dean!
Why so...

I know all are keen with the Angels, but I personally have a fierce respect towards Angels.
Angels are no humans, therefore their motivation are totally different than men. They are soldiers and messengers of the Lord, and their loyalty belongs first of all to God himself and than the issue of men comes in second place.
We know God isn't interfering in human issues because of mens unique gift the „Free Will“. If God would interfere with human issues he would contradict himself. So therefore we humans are left alone. And the Angels, like I said they are Gods facility managers, they interfere when the tough gets going. When an Angel would come to me, well I would be respectful but very, very careful.
Heaven has been shutdown, and not amused unemployed Angels are wondering on earth, full of rage seeking for revenge.
Now Castiel will learn by trial & error the true meaning of “Free choice”, no advantages of knowing how it will end, at last a vulnerable human, whom decisions will unveil the secret of life.

Sam on the brink of life, and the best idea Dean has, is to go on Angel-Talk-Radio. Now don't get me wrong, you can see how heavily desperate Dean is. Than the calm softly orate Angel Ezekiel appears, and evokes by being „injured“ trust, than argues that he can only help Sam if he posses him.
It's just a thought, but didn't the serial killer Bundy get his prey by being injured and thereby gained sympathy?
I sincerely hope, that I'm absolutely wrong, and Ezekiel is the nice and trustworthy Angel buddy, a human especially Sam can have, but the creepy smile Ezekiel had by changing into Sams body gave me the chills.
Gaining Sams health back by trusting an unknown Angel, just by an advice from Castiel who trusted Metatron, than tricking the consent „...he will say yes to you“, lying to Sam about the by effect, the possession and last but not least mind sweeping. Yea, that sounds like a good plan to start with.

There is hope, let go.
Sam literally burned out, lost in his beautiful mind, a maze of rationality, were Death is welcomed.
It will be final, I stay dead, no resurrection, no deal, dead for one can get hurt, the final testimony from a tortured soul. Death feels honored to come for a soul like this “it's time Sam, shall we...“
What an oddness, Death a timeless entity predicts time.
The definite words echoing in Deans mind, well and truly over, his anchor to humanity capped. His holy grail, his purpose of life, found hope in death. How can the enduring flaws of life compete with sound and peaceful death? The essence that makes life enjoyable, the foundation of true love. 
It is not his time...I can fix it, trust me!“ Deans last call, Death the calm and cold participant in a room full of life and warmth, his time hasn't come, yet. “There ain't no me, if there ain't no you!” Sam tossed between ever lasting peace and the formidable challenge of life on a wheel in perpetual motion. You gave the best you can give, you only have one life to give... Intellect versus Sensibility. The ultimate battle, fought in apparent painful silence. Dean played all his cards, nothing sacred or profane, his stake, a promise “You and me, come whatever”.
YES” an affirmative reply to the kingdom of the wise, family boundaries never die.
Has Dean won, it may seem, but war isn't over his battle has just begone. And Same back into the light of life is yet kept in darkness. His sensible life hold together by a deadly lie. Death has left the scene, his applause was deadened, now comes Destiny, a cruel competitor, her weapon of choice, the naked truth.
Dean, Dean what hast thy done?

Did I enjoy the premier, absolutely!
My speculation, it will end in total emotional chaos, Sam & Dean at their best fighting against lovely but fierce Angels, Deans solo fight against Destiny, Castiels struggle in finding the essence of life and Sam, he can only react to what he believes to know.
I suppose Jared was right when he mentioned that this season will be a hell lot of fun.

TRUST a Supernatural Quest

TRUST a Supernatural Quest

All the world is made of faith, and trust, and pixie dust.”
J.M. Barrie / Peter Pan

By reading some of the commends I personally noticed that the main theme of Supernatural “Family Business” has over the years somehow been lost out of sight.
Especially Nate Winchesters remark (Review S903 Nate Winchester Journal "I'm No Angel struck me unexpected like a lightning on plain field.

While I know we need drama to keep the show from being boring, the same old drama also gets boring. Really the "keeping secrets" part of the main's relationship is starting to get a bit ludicrous.” Nate Winchester

“Family Business”, the main issue of SPN is and still will be the main factor. Not a Forrest Gump ex-angel, a lesbian hacker or a surrogate father, sorry to say but they are only the lovely arranged garment on the cake. They can be changed, every season a new decoration, but the brothers are the constant in this human drama.
Eight years long the brothers fought against the demons of legends and fictional imaginations. Cursed knifes, blades, guns and spells are the munition the warriors of horror can count on. Warding tattoos keep the evil out, safe and sound.
But what precisely can save a human against his own produced nightmares, his own angst and despite the contradiction his own free will?

Trust and faith.
The oxford dictionary defines Trust as “firm belief in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone or something:relations have to be built on trust / they have been able to win the trust of the others ... “

Therefore trust is something we humans belief in, there is no formula, no guideline only our experiences give us the opportunity to choose whom we trust. Trust is something we give by our heart and seldom by reason.
S8 ends with the fundamental construct of “blind trust”.
Castiel trusted Metatron and Sam trusted Dean. We the viewers know how it ended. Castiels blind faith in Metaron has been betrayed, heaven has been crushed to earth, what has been is no more. Cause and Consequences.
And Dean? Dean gave in a sacred place his ultimate promise to trust his brother what ever comes and that Sam can rely and follow his brother faithfully.
Causes and Consequences.

Love, trust and faith are the main factors of human beings, without these attributes we humans would be soulless machines, yes we would function no doubt, but what would be the consequences?
The screenwriters of SPN gave us a glimpse in S6 how it would look like. Or in S5 to ignore the basic fact of trust to the ones that are our nearest for example the family. S8 showed us how easily trust can be fooled by personal and altered perception. S1 the writers gave us the opportunity to participate the fledge of childhood in growing up, to make own decision, to accept and challenge the consequences.

Since the human began to walk upright he not only discovered the warmth and security fire shares, but also the insecurity of trust. The primordial human had to trust his tribe leader blindly, because... well he knew best. Over generations love, trust and faith were the main propelling issues of mankind.
For example in Mainz a city in Germany they found a 2000 year old roman Isis temple, after excavating and preserving the artifacts, the archeologist counted around thousand votive figurines and the main theme of them all was love, trust and faith. The modern roman citizen prayed to the goddess Isis too find their everlasting love, asking if they can trust a person and all bounded with the faith that the goddess Isis would listen to their silently offered wishes and hoping deep in there heart that one day they would come true.
Humanity hasn't changed.
Hundreds of generation have past since then , time went on, religions and wars changed the nations until today, but in the end nothing has changed because we sophisticated humans are still seeking for the ultimate love and trust without losing our faith.

Plato wrote “Love is the pursuit of the whole” and the roman philosopher Vergil wrote “omnia vincent amor!” Love will conquer all! Even the bestseller “The sorrows of Young Werther” by the renown German writer Johann von Goethe describes the tragic of unanswered love. Were these philosophers naïve and ludicrous?
I personally don't think so.
Without love there is no trust. Without trust there is no hope. And without hope there is only constant doubt.
“ Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt.” Shakespeare, as usual points out the inevitable, to except what we fear the most.

Season 9 starts with Sam accepting his own faith and chose death, his hope lies now in the trust that death will keep his promise, no doubts anymore only plain and pure faith that all will end for good.
And Dean?
Like the angels he is also cased out, also not understanding why. Didn't Dean give his little brother a promise, the ultimate trust only “me and you and nothing in between”.
And now his little brother is leaving him, leaving him behind, leaving him alone...
Where has trust and brotherly love gone...
”there ain't no me without you”

Traumatized, Dean accepts the offer of an unknown angel. His acceptance builds on his hope that this heavenly entity can break the bound his little brother made with death, by only saying yes.
A three syllable word not more, bears halve of the hole weight of our unique free will.
The divine angel should know not to challenge the ultimate gift from God by knowing that not even the Creator would interfere with the free will.
Therefore “keeping secrets” is a mildly pronounced phrase for the fundamental break of the ultimate divine manifest.

Yea, the brothers always had secrets hidden carefully from each other, nothing new some would say. But were these so called secrets truly by the meaning fundamental secrets, or were they just only inconvenient consequences, produced by highly cultivated human principles and expectations?
In comparison with other series SPN dares to reveal the differences of love, trust and faith, but sadly to say are culture has forgot what the true significance of love, trust and faith really contains.
These once precious sacred intimate attributes are now excessively being used, our cross-border consumption culture is devouring and spitting these nouns out as if there were disposable or on constant sale. Just take a look at the commercials and you will understand what I mean.
Some viewers are even that much confused with the brotherly love, that they only accept the sexual definition for love. And can't imagine that love is also defined as a deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness.

Oneness...”there ain't no me without you”
In conclusion, Supernatural is a modern day show but its content is based on old but everlasting human values. Lost values in our modern day society, but not forgotten. Bounded by an artificial hibernation, waiting for a care given heart to unfold its beauty, like the first blossom arises after a cold and darkened winter. Supernatural is such a blossom. Love, trust and faith visually painted in words: “rise and shine” the authentic human quest.

“None of us knows what might happen even the next minute, yet still we go forward. Because we trust. Because we have Faith.”
Paolo Coelho