noticed, that quite a few viewers were astonished that Sam after all
those years “suddenly” embraced Death.
But as I will show, the
screenwriters gave us viewers a beautiful clue or not who knows.
Probably some of you devoted fans already solved the Sam “wanting
to stay alive but than to chose death” contradiction. But for the
ones out there that are still irritated, I would be delighted to
guide you through imo Sams mind.
I wrote in Ultimate Sacrifice I personally see Sam as an analytic
person, don't forget he once wanted to become a lawyer and the
“Mind-Scenes” imo show how Sam was “thinking”.
in the “Mind-Scenes” you get the answer, that death is only a
logical result of empirical thinking.
you analyze the driving (Impala) scene, you have three different
characteristics Bobby, Dean and Sam.
of using the names, use the main symbolic of these characteristics.
For example:
= Reason / Dean = Sense / Sam = Ego.
may seem odd, and elaborate but I can insure you it's imo quite
exciting to explore Sams thinking and why he actually chose death.
It's like laying out a puzzle, and putting the pieces together.
in the Impala, the car emphasizes home, familiarity. Sens tries to
explain the situation to Ego.
Ego realizes whats happening.
“If I'm dying, you are you but you are the part that wants to live,
but if you don't have any idea how am I supposed to fight? Am I
supposed to be fighting at all?”
Ego questions Sens. Sens can not give a logical answer, therefor Ego
scrutinizes Sens argument.)
Bobby apears in the back seat.
to SENS: “The kids got a good point”
Now Reason kicks in and affirms Egos consideration.)
to EGO: “Shut up”
Sens reacts to Reason, in a harsh way, not happy seeing Reason)
to REASON: “You're welcome for the hell rescue”
Sense sees that he is loosing control over Ego. Reason is now taking
the lead.)
to SENSE: “First of all you didn't rescue me, EGO did. Second of
all EGO you are in a coma,...sometimes that just the way things go.”
Reason confirms Sens but more, but underlines the -coma- fact and
points out that there is no alternative or idea how to solve the
dying issue.)
to REASON: ”There is always a way, you taught us that!”
It seems that Reason educated Ego and Sens, with the result, that
there are always solutions)
to SENS: ”You mean like the way one of you itchits does some bad-ass
crazy thing to beat death like selling your soul!”
Reason hasn't accepted the actions of Sens / brother but Sens
understands and emphasizes with his brother. Here we have the
indication, what once Sam said to Dean, that he always looked up to
his big brother.)
to REASON: “Like selling my soul”
affirms, comprehends Sens / brothers action)
to SENS: ”Like that worked so well the last time.”
shows that the irrational actions of Sens / brother are not logical
therefore tend to fail hence no solution)
“Enough both of you! I CAN'T HEAR MYSELF THINK!”
Ego is trying to find a logical solution for the inevitable
to EGO:”You are not buying that?”
Sens surprised by Egos outburst and is getting slightly nervous)
to SENS: ”Excuse me are you dead, cause I am, and maybe I'm here
cause a part of Ego, that actually knows what I'm talking about!”
Now the camera focuses on Ego eyes, and here you can see the moment
when Ego acknowledges that he's already more dead than alive. The
doctor said that the machines can keep the body alive, but the brain
was cut off too long from oxygen. Hence Reason is right. Exactly here
imo is the moment were Sam/Ego accepts death as the final logical
to REASON: ”I'm in the front seat, Ego put me here cause he wants
me here, because he wants to fight, right?”
Sens is trying to take back the lead, by demonstrating his
hierarchical position, and by that showing Reason that his stand is
secondary, therefore not on Egos priority list)
Reason sits in the front row between Ego and Sens.
change, Reason is taking the lead.
setting, Reason and Ego are alone in a calm and relaxing environment
and evaluate the apparent situation.
I right?”
Reason is seeking approval.)
“I want to fight..."
Ego hasn't totally given into Reason, his trust is still bounded on
”...have nothing to swing in, punching at shadows, you got to let
go fighting and scratching and finding loopholes because that ain't
Reason, gives a logical explanation, that fighting against
nothingness is like Sisyphus, compelled to roll an immense boulder up
a hill, only to watch it roll back down, and to repeat this action
forever. There will be and there is no solution)
“So I die?”
Ego is still not convinced that dying is the solution, Ego is still
searching for an explanation)
“Die? All the good you done, all the people you saved, you saved
the world son! How many people can say that? How many people can say
that they have left this God save hunker dirt that much a better
place. What you call dying I call leaving a legacy!”
Reason exhibits Egos explicit dilemma. Ego/Sam saved the world and
nobody not his brother, Bobby or Castiel gave him credit for
sacrificing himself by throwing Lucifer in the pit, the only one that
trusted him was Death. And now sacrificing himself again for what?
Fighting against shadows...)
/ Hospital = Notice that Ezekiel says that he can heal Sam, even
though Castiel said in “Goodby Stranger” that he with his angel
power can not save Sam “You are damaged in a way that I can't even
heal”. But Ezekiel can? Hmm... strange?
/ Mind-Scene II:
Ego and Reason are walking toward a cabin.
“Here it is, everything inside you need to help you on your way, go
on son, I'll be waiting with a couple of cold ones...”
Reason comforting Ego in doing the right decision. That Ego can
expect help. He only has to accept it.)
focus on Sam / Ego, total acceptances because logical, but silently mourns
the moment. Suddenly Reason is being stabbed by Sens and vanishes.
Sens prevails.
Sens are you insane?”
totally shocked by Sens brutal action.)
”Come on (little) Ego, Reason is the part of you that wants to die.
I know it stinks but he had to go!”
Sens is taking back the lead by killing Reason his adversary. Notice
the emphasis on the ending from Egos Name “Sammy”. This imo
indicates that the emotional part of Sam sees himself always as the
little brother, a little one that needs guidance)
“You have to go! When will you realize, it's over! There is nothing
to fight for!”
Now Ego is trying to explain to Sense, that fighting is completely in
vain. Fighting against shadows... Sens has lost his guidance, without
a path / idea, Sens has no solution.)
”Now Ego, I know you don't believe that.”
Sens is without doubt still convinced of his actions)
“Really? Whats your plan Sens?”
= But now Ego questions provokes Sens motivation more specifically
anticipates that Sens has no answer to the solution! Therefore Sens
is lost.)
“My plan...my plan is to fight! My plan is to try! My plan is to
give a damn! You are telling me there is nothing? You are telling me
there is nothing to fight for? That there is nothing to hope for?”
Sens recognizes that he has lost against logic (passive) and uses
force (active) to underline his point of view, because Sense has no
idea no solution, except fighting. Fighting against shadows...)
“No, I'm telling you there is. You may not like it. You might not
accept it. But it is in there, it is in that house!”
Ego, like always takes patiently the active punches from Sens,
thereby is trying to explain that there is a solution a passive one,
the total acceptance of pure logic without emotions / sens. But
without the guide Sens)
“You know what's in that house! Now I can't help you, if you ain't
willing to fight for your self!”
is holding Ego, afraid to let go, knowing that when Ego lets go he
also vanishes into passivity not having the possibility anymore to
convince logic, that being active, even if you have to fight against
shadows, that this is the solution, that this is life!)
focus on Ego. Silently Ego takes Sens hands of his body and looses
the pressure. Thereby keeping Sens hands tenderly in his own.
“It's what I want...”
Softly with patience Ego embraces Reason, and with a companionably
farewell gesture lets Sens go...there is no logic in fighting against
vanishes into nothingness...
Ego walks towards the cabin, not sure what is awaiting him inside,
but confident in doing the right thing, because its logical and a
final solution. Sound and safe. No more fighting against shadows...
imo didn't just hand himself easily to Death, he fought eagerly with
all the strength he had left.
Sherlock Holmes once said:
when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however
must be the truth.”
Sams case after evaluating all possibilities, Death was the only
truth that remained.
more fighting against shadows...
if Sens would have an idea a plan... Ego would truely give without
questioning or doubt, the lead back to Sens, his Pathfinder, his
thats an other story.
well written - I see we understand ;)
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