The Ultimate Sacrifice
personally have pondered what I felt and assumed to see in S8.
in my humble opinion shows a deep symbolic psychological view of the
felt that the SPN writers & directors used an old renaissance
symbolic technique the „hiding in plain sight“, and only by
deciphering the symbolic one could persuasive the elephant in the
the main factor in the beginning of S8 is the perspective of the „to
wish-ego-sight or high expectation“ and the human disability to
admit that „what we want to see“ doesn't always correspond with
the reality.
all can relate to that kind of flaws, we all have high expectations
and we are all disappointed when reality strikes back, and also to
discover that are expectations are only an illusion out of our
deepest core.
way we would like the world to be.
versus Wish-fulness
every human, the brothers are no exception.
the first half of S8 the writers excessively exploited the
perspective of the all knowing, the omnipotent viewer and the
differential not mentioned expectations of Sam & Dean to each
this imo is the main issue, we viewers had high expectations, they
couldn't be fulfilled without destroying the fundamental bases of the
flawed characters Sam & Dean. The writers in my mind knew that,
and used this thematic as a tool to keep the viewers bound to there
chosen beloved characters.
brothers have their nemesis, the deep angst of loosing each other. In
almost every season the brothers witnessed the loss of a beloved one,
such traumatic experience can't be flushed away. Surly they can be
neglected but in the end the offensive denying of reality doesn't
heal, it only turns into a devouring feeling of loosing the
confidential trust in life within itself.
that imo is what we viewers witnessed in the beginning of S8.
though it may seem, that Dean was capable to survive purgatory, cause
of his strong will in difficult situations not to give up. We viewers
only witnessed Dean's struggle to survive and his old fashion
stubborn behavior to keep his „gentlemen“ agreements with all
what we haven't witnessed, was the deep insight of Dean, his deep
thoughts were kept veiled only his plain reaction to this brutal
environment were observed. Hence accusing Dean to be an egoist is imo
viewers can only assume Deans thoughts and dreams. In the end that is
all what we spectators know, the rest was left to our own
imagination, are personal expectations.
though some viewers judge Dean to be harsh with his little brother,
yet aren't „parents“ sometimes harsh with their children?
that is what Dean represents.
Dean was four years old he was always the ultimate caretaker of Sam.
The day their mother died, Dean was dramatically forced into a role
he never choose. A young boy holding his little brother trying to
comfort him, but already knowing that his life would never be the
same. He was now in charge, however to young to know why.
is Dean's bound to sanity, without his little brother, Dean would
have already been dead. Not because he is seeking death, but because
he needs Sam as a token for the lost fore-time and to except the
brutal change in their childhood, a constant sadly reminder for what
has been and never will be.
his commitment to protect and keep Sam out of harms way, keeps him
going. Sam is Deans holy grail. Therefore to say Dean doesn't value
his own life is a very egoistic and self projected sight to a
phenomenon that has been lost in our days, a biblical value to serve
your family in a humble way.
we all know Sam is Deans family.
is what contradicts, on the one side we have a strong
principle-minded and focused Person, but on the other side a
protecting, humble, caring and old fashioned young man.
one could mention that Dean is grumpy to Kevin and Garth, but I think
deep in his heart he appreciates their doing, but to admit that they
are friends could bear the angst of loosing them.
Sam, in the end of S7 the viewer observed the total climax of the
brothers nightmare, to suffer the loss of one of each other.
to Sam „It looks like you are well and truley on your own.“
on your own...
fragile world literally exploded when the Leviathan blew up. The
worse case scenario happend to Sam. Dean, Sams guiding figure
throughout his entire life vanished in total nothingness.
time to prepare, to time to plan and no time to evaluate.
only way for Sam imo to survive this immense loss was to flee from
reality. And therefore accepting the total annihilation of hope.
„looking & hunting“ for Dean, would imply the deep profoundly
hope that his brother is still alive. But how can someone believe in
hope when there is no hope no more.
is lost can never be found, even in this highly supernatural world
the boundary between the dead and the living came at this point to
its end. At least for Sam.
depressing moments people do not act rational, they only react
without thought, they function in world to which they lost
„Goodby Stranger“ Meg asks Sam what happened, she was with
Lucifer the only one in SPN Universe that really knew how Sam feels
and what his deepest thoughts are about. Therefore it was quite
interesting, that she was more interested about the dog. Imo the dog
is the indicator that stopped Sam from running but it didn't stop him
fleeing from reality. He did what he always did, saving, cause deep
in his heart he believes that saving the world could save him.
that is why the relationship with Amelia didn't feel right, it
couldn't, cause there was no hope only the pure grief over their lost
drowning Humans, holding tightly to each other in an abyss of
on both sides was the fundamental in this relationship, not love. We
viewers felt from the beginning that this relationship was to be
condemned to failure, cause it was only a make believe of two people
trying to survive their internal brokenness in an illusion far from
after the intimate scenes between Amelia and Sam, there was only
gloom. No moment of happines that two people would share after a
profound exchange on intimacy.
felt hollow.
think about the soulless Sam scene with the „fancy women“, wow
now that was hot, the viewer could imagine what was going on before .
here only emptiness, an illusion.
don't know if the writers deliberately choose „Kermit / Texas“,
but the meaning of Kermit is „free man“. Weird cause
superficially it seems as if Sam and Amelia were free to start a new
life with each other, but in reality both were captives of their
aggrieving memories, hence never free.
Amelias husband came back, Sam knew that he had to go, cause now she
wasn't lost anymore, there was no grief to share. Nothing in common
anymore, Don was for Amelia what the pigeon for Noah was, a symbol of
hope, an end of despair. She had now something what Sam in his
darkness didn't feel to have, she had the possibility to build a
future on the fundamental of hope.
in grief and melancholy, Sam moves backwards into a place of lost
memories Rufus cabin. A sacred place full of memento mori. A haven
for the lost but not forgotten, once a safe place that beard the
sound of laughter and moments of hope... saving the world. Now a
shadow of one's former self. One could assume a sanctuary. A place
for the dead, the right place to leave the world to say good bye...
chosen symbolism in the flashbacks say more than one could imagine.
The gray haze colored purgatory, showing Dean who once favored black
& white, now learns that monsters are not always that what they
seem. But also a place where you can kill without remorse, a
killing-field were also human believes can turn into monsters.
in the end, to survive, one has to become a monster. Somewhat that
Dean feared the most, became his reality. And sadly enough Dean
reacted definite for what he was trained for, to kill. A soldier in
line of duty, humanity lost. Nothing to gain or to lose, only pure
instincts are of value.
though it seemed that one could clearly see through the gray mist,
yet the haze exhibited the pure action and distress of the moment but
also layed a veil over the senses. And that is imo the true
acceptation of mist, the eye can only see what appears in direct
motion, everything else is hidden.
flashback are the total opposite, they seemed bright and beautiful,
Disney like style but odd. Odd in the sense of artificial. It didn't
feel real, like a wish believe or glorified memory. Item the hazed
sun bright colors, veiled the forsaking.
has now what he always utterly wanted.
normal apple-pie life, a life he yearned for since Jesses brutal
death, a life he ordered Dean before he went to his rendezvous with
hell. His ultimate goal, his secretly kept desire. Only to find out
that it has a hollow aftertaste. That panic of lostness still arises,
when he can't see his allegedly beloved one. Despite the sun, the
shadows of sorriness lurked all-were.
illusion, a mortal cold lie to stay alive, encased in warm color
bitter sweetness.
the moment Dean arrived, when he managed to break out of purgatory
and slip into reality, only to find a in his opinion a reserved Sam.
A brother that seemly managed life without his über-caretaking
brother. No need for him.
was probably yearning for this brotherly moment.
the gray sight of purgatory Dean's raison
d'être to stay alive in
the cold nights were presumably the thoughts of his brother hunting
and looking for him, cause in the end that is what he would have
done. The soldier always on duty.
to seek that his brother hadn't fulfilled any of his pretended
seeping rage is the only thing he supposedly can feel. Sam's breach
of his, Deans personal oath, his legacy „saving people, hunting
things, family business“ characters the total sustain loss of
knowing Sam committed in Deans eyes the worst betrayal of confidence.
And there is only one option according to Dean that could evoke such
behavior... a girl.
we, the viewer blame him for such biased contemplation?
don't think so, cause the flashbacks gave us the opportunity to gain
an insight in Deans battle to survive. 365 Days ultimativ tension,
getting used to the idea not to out live the purgatory, yet to face
the situation that without fighting he couldn't even survive one day.
time for surrender. No time for sentiments in a place without time.
Sam seeing his brother alive, not knowing what to believe. Shock and
the profound thinker, lost again, torn apart by inner turmoil.
noticing how careworn his brother appears, to hear that the one he
mourned for a year has spend the time in a never-ending battlefield,
must be breath taking. Sams only conclusion is the ultimate inner
retreat. Then how could you compare bloody purgatory with the
darkness being lost in total forlornness. You can't, it would seem
soldier, über-caretaker Dean is not interested in sentiments, can't
understand the meaning of being dead, the loss of empathy over the
year in purgatory makes him unresponsive for Sams total lostness.
brotherly communication is blacked out, sabotaged by the evil side
effects trying to save the world from the Leviathans.
by highly doomed expectations.
two deeply bounded brothers, now the forsaken and the monster.
the little brother, cursed by Lucifer, manipulated by the servitude
of the fallen Archangel, once an abomination in the eyes of Castiel,
a pawn in the celestial chess-game. Sacrificed his young and
vulnerable life for humanity, yet also to show his big brother that
according to his opinion, he is despite his flaws capable to cage the
prime evil, only to end up as a chew-toy for Lucifer and Michael,
dying as an insane in a madhouse.
painfully gained reputation being trustworthy, lost in an moment of
weakness and despair.
rest for the wicked.... cursed for eternity.
the latitudinarian, knowing that he can't fight emotional against his
soldier / über-caretaker brother, just swallows his pain, like he
always doe's. It is not about the lake of communication, this is a
modern day fallacy, that if you talk about your feelings with your
chosen companion, he or she would unterstand your motivations. It
only has to do with implicit respect.
more or less.
as much you respect a person with all it's flaws, you trust him
deeply by your heart, and if you don't respect a person, well you
don't trust him.
of -respect- by „the free dictionary“: Willingness
to show consideration or appreciation. / To feel or show deferential
regard for; esteem. / To relate or refer to; concern.)
here lies imo the root of all Winchester issues.
is the cognitively product of his father John. A father whose beloved
wife has been killed in the nursery of a 6 month old boy. Now the
circumstances that John would ignore his skepticism against Sam, who
has been blood feed by a demon, are extremely unlikely.
probably loved Sam but deep in the inner core of his heart, he was
afraid of this child, never knowing what this demon blood has done to
his precious young child. Not knowing if this child would turn out to
be a demon Manchurian candidate. He could never respect this child,
but tolerate, yes that wouldn't have been an issue.
the years this subliminal perception transformed also Dean.
Dean loved his father but also his little brother. He stands right
between two defining emotional main factors. These main factors imo
determine subconsciously his behavior.
he loves his brother to the deepest core of his heart, but buried
strongly under his heart gnaws the skepticism, the same skepticism
that his father over the years unknowingly shared with is unblemished
Dean is cautiously inconstant with Sam.
a Greek tragedy, the dead father echos out of the past and without
being aware, determines the future.
on the other hand has the intellect to differentiate, he knows about
Deans issues and over the past he not only got used to them but he
also surrendered. Not because he's weak or would be physically not
able to fight back, nay cause he respects Dean and hence accepts his
evident, in the scenes when Dean looses the ability to argument and
by beating Sam gets physical. Yet Sam mainly doesn't fight back, just
accepts the beating, knowing that the hits hurt Dean emotionally more
than him physically.
the end scene „Sacrifice“, Sam's revelation mirrors his constant
perpetual struggle fighting against the echos out of the past.
think...I can't be trusted again...“
the viewer can feel, not only see in the expiration of Sams
physiognomy, the repercussion hammering throughout the years into the
deep by sadness darkened valley of Sams soul.
last 6 months he had to fight constantly on two battlefields, Deans
high expectation resulting from the past, the gnawing skepticism and
the purgatory Dean, whoms empathy for his brother was stripped to the
bones. A combat that was a priori not winnable.
the soldier can not intellectually understand, that Ruby, killing
Lilith, letting out Lucifer and his soulless time, was the result of
a heinously plan, created by powers far beyond the human imagination
a millennium years ago.
could he, the leopard can't change his spots.
strength, is his pure unquestionable belief of the free will, to
sense what is right and than react. But he doesn't consider that to
respond the right way, you not only have to know the truth but you
have to accept yourself with all flaws. But if the truth is
manipulated or veiled, and you deny the inner core of your self, who
can tell in the end what is right or wrong?
versus Wish-fulness
negate of the past blinds him, forestalls him the utmost acceptance
for the flaws of his brother, „...thats right Cas let me down, you
let me down...goodby Sam...“(S8 Southern Comfort)
though the Specter possessed Dean, the rage and the keen
disappointment were already lingering under the surface, waiting for
the moment to burst out.
Sam is doomed, this is the one and only curse Sam presumably never
can break.
first time Sam showed that he's trustworthy was when he denied the
yellow eyed demon and died.
by Dean...
second time Sam showed that he's trustworthy was when he mentally
tossed Lucifer in the pit and died.
by Castiel...
third time Sam showed that he's trustworthy was when he almost died
by indulging Lucifers torture, triggered by the megalomania Castiel.
by the reformed, and than by Sam pardoned Castiel.
“...So? You think...I can't be trusted again...“
long can a human withstand a lifetime battle against the Universe and
the shadows echoing out of the past, until the inevitable total
collapse takes place?
can't, he will always lose, their is nothing to gain, Sam has
accepted that life isn't a contest, there is no trophy after the last
breath has been taken, surly Death will not hand over the first
prize, life itself loses its pertinence.
the gates of hell and than rest for eternity...sigh no more...go to
dead they sleep a long, long sleep;
The dead they rest, and their rest is deep;
The dead have peace, but the living weep.“
The dead they rest, and their rest is deep;
The dead have peace, but the living weep.“
In the end the brothers fight against demons, are childhood nightmares and legends, but their main struggle is fought against them selfs,...sens versus sensibility ...reality versus wish-fulness.
world is made of dreams and make believes.
nightmare in „Pac Man“ opens Dean's eyes, life is not about being
a hero, or to clutch and carry out sacred principles.
is the need for each other, we only can gain life when we accept,
forgive and let our inwardly demons go.
has to let go of her mother and Dean has to let lose of his
über-caretaker and control obsession.
moment at the base hospital, Dean presumably acknowledged that his
attitude to be the main mover and shaker would only lead to the point
were Sam would turn into a shadow of him self, an empty shell, not
the brother or comrade he once was.
this moment, Dean gains his strength back to recognize and
emphasizes, that the only need his brother seeks is his big brother.
brother that blindly trusts and respects without doubt.
four year old brother that comforted the toddler, when the world
around was burning down and the lightness of being, dissolved into
holding you little brother...
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