Dienstag, 20. Mai 2014

Tumblr Gedankenspiele: Sam Winchesters Eyes

Sam Winchesters Eyes

What’s interesting about this is that this means Gadreel thinks Sam, whom he knows everything about, is a person of trustworthy judgement
That’s so true. You can tell that he has a high opinion of Sam, which is soooo weird to think about. That he, in effect, believes Cas to be a man of honor simply because Sam believes him to be one. If you take that to the obvious conclusion….Gadreel believes Sam to be a man of honor? Having been inside his head, knowing all he knows to the point where he believably pretended to be him….
Gadreel, weirdly enough, is a Sam fan?
Obviously, he sees himself in Sam. Letting Lucifer into the world, locked in a cage for an untold amount of time….
And Sam, though he was hurt by this angel, is able to think about his motives when talking to Cas. He’s able to explain that he thinks Gadreel feels misunderstood. Because villains think they’re the heroes of their stories.
Sam is amazing.
Maybe Gadreel will decide to be more like Sam.

Here’s a thought. As Cas has demonstrated on multiple occasions, angels don’t really understand human motivation or emotion, but Gadreel did recognize that Sam’s mind was a mess. I don’t recall the exact words he used to Metatron, but he expressed that Sam was miserable. He’s also protested that he loves humanity. What if he felt he was doing Sam a favor by locking him in that loop in his own head? He had Sam doing something he enjoys — researching, and he was safe at the bunker with Dean.
As observers, we see it as a horrible thing to do to someone — denying their bodily autonomy and denying them free will — but to an angel, maybe that seems merciful when the person is so filled with pain and self-loathing that they think their life is a curse and the world would be better off with them dead. Maybe what he gave Sam was a tiny slice of his heaven in another example of intent not matching result.

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