Montag, 29. September 2014

Sam is NO monster! Why?


What defines a monster?
A monster is an entity that doesn't belong to the human MORAL community and has no conscious. Because the entity doesn't belong to the moral community and has no conscious it cannot relate and and emphasize with the moral codex of the human community. It feels no guilt, no remorse...
Ergo Sam is human, he belongs to the moral community has a conscious therefor he is by definition no monster and doesn't act like one.

Now having this in mind when Sam acts towards a demon / evil spirit by human means in a immoral manner is he now a monster? No.
Why? Because if he would react towards a demon / evil spirit morally the demon couldn't by the lack of emphasis and conscious respond in a manner that would satisfy the action.

According to the author Emanuel Swedenborg a a Swedish scientist, philosopher, theologian, revelator, and mystic from the 17th century “evil spirits aka demons narrate things wholly false and lie. When evil spirits begin to speak to man, care should be taken NOT TO BELIEVE THEM...for most everything(!) they say is made up by them and they lie...And if man listens and believes, they the evil spirits insist and in various ways deceive and seduce.”

Therefor when the naïve (childish?) vast majority of viewers but not all(!) believes the demon / evil spirit instead the human, then sorry to say they have fall pray to the seduction manipulation of the evil spirit...

What the vast majority of viewers tend to forget is that Dean is DEAD, el morte, expired, is no more...what they see is an EVIL SPIRIT a demon nothing human except the vessel or meatsuit which the demon is occupying.

Knowing that Sam absolutely hates demons, knows that the DEMON Crowley is responsible for Deans death and transformation, now what should he precisely do?
Correct he gains imo the massive OCCULT(!) knowledge that the Man of Letters over centuries collected, since “Sin City” we know that Sam is the brain to the outfit, therefor one can assume since he knows who is to be held responsible, that Sam by all means isn't going to hesitate to search and FIGHT for his brother.
By gaining the occult knowledge Sam is imo going to turn into a master of the occult, or simply said he is going to be a true Man of Letters a sorcerer, wicca, witcher... BUT not a monster...
BIG difference...
In conclusion to fight the evil one should gain knowledge about the evil...know your enemy...
Knowledge is power!” Francis Bacon