Samstag, 21. Mai 2016

SPN 11x22 'We Family Few'

11x22 'We Family Few'
Here @spanglebanner my thoughts, opinion and rant...

Now after a couple of days and tumblr observation it's time for my rant.
Did I like the episode? Nope, nope not at all. There a several reasons why I didn't like what SPN had shown us.

Actually my dislike started the moment when the celestial being Castiel said 'yes' to the adversary Lucifer in episode 11x10. It made absolutely no sense. Castiel knew who Lucifer was and is and why he fell from grace. It would be like being d'accord with Hitler, Stalin or Mao Zedung, …got the picture?
I'm not a fan of any celestial being, but portraying a multidimensional celestial being, being ignorant further humanizing it, is very questionable story telling.
Especially when known, that until now Sam the only human on earth was capable, because DELIBERATELY designed by heaven, to be the one and only earthly bearer for Lucifer. Let's not forget this was the main topic in season 4-5. Dean was Michael's vessel and Sam Lucifer's vessel. There was no way out. Remember 5x3 'Free To Be You And Me' Lucifer to Sam “You are my TRUE vessel” / “It had to be you Sam, it ALWAYS had to be you.”
Notice SPN explicitly uses the terms 'true' and 'always', absolutely no misunderstanding. The definition of the term 'true' is according to Dictionary com “being in accordance with the actual state or conditions; conforming to reality or fact; not false / exact; precise; accurate; correct”. And the definition of the term 'always' according to Dictionary com “every time; on every occasion; without exception”. There is no space for eventualities, or a may be. It's a fact without exception.

IMO another interesting fallacy can be seen in the episode 11x10 is namely the observed fact that Lucifer was already using an earthly vessel, namely Nick's body. Now in metaphysical sense when the binding sigils were broken by Rowena, Lucifer/Nick could have walked out. Because what comes in, can come out. Saying the metaphysical form of Lucifer was already manifested in Nick, therefor the sigils created to bind the true essence of Lucifer was than useless. Castiel saying yes to Lucifer, so that he than can use Castiels earthly vessel to get out of the cage and walk on earth, is without logic, simply because he already inhabited an earthly vessel.
Another aspect, by ignoring all given facts, hence metaphysical logic and SPN's OWN canon, SPN deliberately(!) rejects and thereby nullifies it's own created story line and naturally their created characters, namely Sam & Dean. It would be interesting to know, if asked what the SPN script writers say about their illogical or idiotic story telling.

The episode 11x22 starts out where Chuck and Lucifer are being pushed by Sam (facepalm) to negotiate their resentments toward each other. There we viewers find out that the MoC, a binding sigil created to bind Amara, was given to Lucifer because Chuck assumed Lucifer, his brightest and strongest celestial son could bear the MoC. Result Lucifer couldn't and the MoC corrupted his inner being and thereby he turned mad. And because of Lucifer's madness, Chuck threw Lucifer out of heaven. Everything is a misunderstanding, Chuck apologizes, we are family, hug & kisses, forgotten and forgiven....SERIOUSLY??? How much weed or wine does one have to take to except this kind of delusional story telling?
I mean weren’t we told that Lucifer himself gave Cain the Mark, ergo Lucifer didn't have the Mark (binding sigil) anymore. What tells us that, simply the moment when Lucifer didn't have the Mark anymore, he would (told by SPN logic) actually be his natural self again. Hence the corrupting influence of the Mark was eliminated therefor Lucifer would have to be like he was BEFOR he got the Mark, simply because Lucifer didn't die, therefor the transformation into an 'evil spirit' aka demon wasn't given, like in the case of Cain. So why was Lucifer still running around and trying to usurp God's throne? Trying to bring on the apocalypse and destroy mankind....duh??

The whole 'MoC'/'Darkness' concept is so illogical aka confusing that I personally suspect, the writers just simply ignored the 'MoC=Lucifer-Cain-Knights of Hell' origin, so they could bring on their shady gd-darkness crap. I mean just look back, suddenly out of nowhere Charlie in Laura Croft style (face palm) finds the Book of the Damned...ohh...there we viewers find out it's a heavy duty dark binding spell crafted before mankind was created...ohh...uhhh? What happened with Lucifer & Cain? So than Dean summons Mr. Death...and Death's solution is to kill Sam and than throw Dean into the universe, space the final frontier...oops...Death is dead. Meanwhile Rowena unlocks the binding spell and thereby unleashes Darkness aka chaos. Darkness, now on earth is bounded, because of MoC, with Dean. Than we find out Chuck is god, and he was the one who originally created the MoC, the mark that Lucifer gave Cain...ohh yeah sorry forget that. Darkness is having a tantrum, Chuck the wanna be god appears than blames Sam for unleashing Lucifer (double face palm), and says the whole Darkness dilemma is a siblings issue and Dean is having man-pain.
And next week, I assume Dean is going to save the universe, and Sam is going to save Dean.... or not.

Now IMO comes the most disturbing part. Sam & Dean and Chuck acting as if nothing ever happened between Lucifer and Sam. Personally I can't believe that the SPN writers are so ignorant or stupid to write what we have witnessed in episode 11x21&22. Sam rescuing Lucifer, Sam letting Lucifer into the bunker, Sam letting Lucifer stay in his personal space aka room, Sam agreeing Lucifer at the Dr. Phil session.
Let's put this into another perspective, is it believable if the victims of Dr. Mengele would act like Sam, or the tortured Iraqi men from Abu Graib? No it isn't.
Sam acting in this kind of manner is absolute unrealistic EXCEPT SPN deliberately portrayed Sam as an uber-human for coming plot issues. That's the only explanation I could figure out for this kind of irresponsible writing.
And it is irresponsible writing, because there are lot of people out there that are being abused and have to live with their abuser on a daily base. They live in constant fear, are scared to death and now SPN comes along and tells them literally, swallow your fucking pain and fear, embrace your abuser and ever thing will be honky dory, because don't forget it's necessary for the greater good.
Luckily enough there are a lot of viewers out there that have noticed Sam's shown behavior is OOC, further not realistic and furthermore pointed out the danger of such irresponsible writing.

The next face palm moment in 'We Family Few' was when Chuck and Lucifer both celestial beings, and Sam & Dean both humans decided to fight together with 'ta,ta' evil spirits aka demons and witches in an epic battle against the Darkness. This ladies and gentleman is the most idiotic scenery I ever witnessed on TV.
Sorry, the idea alone brings shiver down my spine. Just imagine Gandalf, the hobits, humans, ents and dwarfs fight together with Saruman, the urukai and orks against Sauron. Uhmm... you get the picture? Ridiculous, right? ...right
Seriously what happened with 'I hate witches' -Dean and 'I hate demons' -Sam? What are we going to expect next? Tea time and scones with Crowley or cooking time with Rowena?
This whole episode was a disastrous joke. And not only that, it was utter low level cinematography. Why was Chuck standing on boxes when he was talking only to five individuals? Not masses, no, just five people. Seriously? And again played in a factory compound, seems familiar, well yes because Dean was killed by Metatron in a factory. Nothing new in SPN land. And the so called 'epic battle',....boring. So Darkness comes along and Rowena does some witchy witch stuff, than Crowley try's to smoke her out, cough, than Lucifer pokes her in the back, yeah how exciting...snore. Sorry but no, I'm used to better stuff especially from SPN.

It's so obvious that SPN try's to be ultimate political correct, introducing tons of (not needed) characters and try's to bypass the religious topic but advocates SJW ideologies, the result is just a mega mind fuck. Sorry to say but season 11 IMO was the worst season SPN had ever produced. I hope since J. Carver & Robbi Thompson are gone SPN can surprise us again.