Donnerstag, 9. Juni 2016

Mature Thoughts on SPN 11x23 “Alpha and Omega”

Everything is relative


When the sun of culture is low, even dwarfs will cast long shadows.

-Karl Kraus (Austrian writer 1874-136)


An easy to read but long esoteric season eleven analysis, further some thoughts on Jeremy Carver and his time during SPN, but will now excuse Andrew Dabb, the script writer of the final episode, because I don't know if he had to clean up Jeremy Carver's over the years caused mess. 

This post is going to be long, so get your self a nice cup of coffee, tee or cocoa and some cookies, ice cream or what ever, have fun discovering the deeper unseen or hidden philosophies of SPN. 
I'm astonished how easy people can be simply pleased, one just has to show some emotional trigger elements and everybody is happy. Ahhh look the brothers hugged, ah Dean said brother to the celestial entity aka Castiel, ohh Dean said family, ah look god is sooo human, ain't that sweet and Amara was just a little bit depressed....
Sorry, but really? Is that all the viewer needs? No interest in a good coherent told story anymore?

IMO season 11 sucked, it didn't work for me. And especially the last three episodes, namely 11x21, 11x22 and 11x23, were heavily disappointing. I mean the Castiel / Lucifer story was already awful, it broke all SPN rules, canon and moral & ethical and common standards but than showing an ultimate omnipotent, infinite, multidimensional, for the human mind not comprehensible god figure that than obviously interacts with the brothers in a humanized manner, was just disastrous and a big NO NO!
Not even Dante, Boccaccio, Goethe, Dostojewski or Tolkien dared to use such omnipotent figure in their stories. Simply because using a Deus ex Machina as a solution for a plot is utter, crappy storytelling!
If you want a good 'Darkness' story, than I would recommend @ameliacarful 's “Hearts & Needles”(X), trust me you won't be disappointed.

Further glossing over Sam's traumatic history with the celestial being Lucifer is just absolutely stunning. I mean in what kind of society to we live in when tortured souls like Sam's are not even acknowledged and are just being deliberately and utterly ignored? Where a simple hug and sweet talk clears and redeems the perpetrators deliberately made atrocities. Is it that easy? If so than Ted Bundy a serial killer, kidnapper, rapist and necrophile, who tortured and killed 30 men and women, would just need to hug and pep talk to one of the victims parents or sibling and than everything is honky dory. Right? (sarcasm out)

Additionally a disturbing aspect of what had been shown, was the blatantly narrated and shown illogical mixture of Materialistic and Metaphysical philosophies and eastern religion. Yes I know some of you assume, just because angels, demons, the celestial being Lucifer and a god like figure is portrait it automatically has to be in some kind of manner Christian mythology. But it isn't, the reason why it's not in any way Christian is the simple fact that Jesus is kept out of the story. Christianities foundation is purely based on Jesus, he is the ultimate earthly binding link to God. And it's him whom a true Christian worships. You don't have to believe me, just read the main source, namely the New Testament. Is Jesus being portrait in SPN? No, therefore SPN shown story has absolutely nothing to do with Christianity. But everything to do with propagating materialistic religious paganism.

Some of you viewers out there assume to be highly educated, but what do you really know? Do you have knowledge of the driving major philosophies that determine our world mind set? Do you know anything about secretly kept ancient philosophies that are still taught until today and secretly determine our world view and behavior? Have you ever questioned if the ideas and knowledge that you have been taught by so called authorities are valid? Or just accept the taught because an authoritarian figure said it's true and therefor one shouldn't scrutinize the given knowledge and accept what is told as an absolute fact.
This is the main dilemma of our modern time as like in the middle ages, people are being told what to believe through media and authorities but not what they should truly know.

What SPN had shown us in the last episodes and finale of season eleven was relativism and dualism teachings at it's finest. Was it deliberately made, I have to assume yes. But that doesn't mean the SPN script writers, director and editor consciously knew what they were propagating. Lets not forget the media in general is only mirroring and thereby through repeated propaganda is shapeing the driving Zeitgeist aka mind set of society, which is in our days nothing other than cultural Marxism, propagandized through the Frankfurt School, which is based on Materialistic, Reductionist and Empirical philosophy and eastern religions / paganism.

Lets go esoteric or The meta of the meta 

All that said, now some meat to the potatoes.
First of all my text has nothing to do with hating the show, scaring or influencing the reader, but to evoke curiosity and share knowledge. By simply knowing one can make an informed decision, and doesn't have to rely on belief or feel good mentality. And thereby can avoid manipulation.
Or as the philosopher Immanuel Kant said:
Enlightenment is man's release from his self-incurred tutelage. Tutelage is man's inability to make use of his understanding without direction from another. Self-incurred is this tutelage when its cause lies not in lack of reason but in lack of resolution and courage to use it without direction from another.”

One of my major critics of SPN is humanizing God. God is NOT a human being!
The term "secular humanism" basically relates to bring-ing God down to a human level and making a god out of man or lifting man up to a god state. Man is the ultimate end of all. "If it feels good do it." "Do whatever you feel is good for you." We've brought God down; we've lifted man up and made a god out of him. This is the deifying of man after the humanizing of God. We become our own gods. That's the philosophy in the world today. The world says, "Let's bring God down to a human level and man up to a god level. Man is the end of all."
Once you do that you minimize sin or moral & ethical standards. There are no more absolutes. Everybody is his own god and therefore each has his own standards. Everything then is "relative," with nothing black-and-white but all a neutral gray.
So, you in your own world do what's right in your own eyes. Another person is his own boss and does what is right in his own eyes, with everyone having his own standards.

What is "secular humanism"? First, Secular Humanism is a worldview. That is, it is a set of beliefs through which one interprets all of reality—something like a pair of glasses. Second, Secular Humanism is a religious worldview. Do not let the word “secular” mislead you. The Humanists themselves would agree that they adhere to a religious worldview. According to the Humanist Manifestos I & II: Humanism is "a philosophical, religious, and moral point of view."
Not all humanists, though, want to be identified as “religious,” because they understand that religion is (supposedly) not allowed in American public education. To identify Secular Humanism as a religion would eliminate the Humanists' main vehicle for the propagation of their faith. And it is a faith, by their own admission. The Humanist Manifestos declare: "These affirmations [in the Manifestos] are not a final credo or dogma but an expression of a living and growing faith."

In the end, without the people knowing, we have two forms of religion based on two different philosophies, namely a) The belief in men and scientism, which is based on a materialistic world view and further unknown to the masses propagated eastern religions / paganism wrapped in a comfy feel good New Age agenda. And than we have b) The belief in God and the supra-natural, which is based on a metaphysical world view.

Here lies the dilemma with the TV show 'Supernatural'. In the beginning of the show, the creator and producer of SPN Eric Kripke tried(!) to tell a classical type of drama and thereby tried(!) to differentiated between these two major philosophies, further kept God out of the equation and rarely humanized the metaphysical celestial beings, furthermore demons or monsters are evil and men are portrayed as they are, namely flawed but good at heart. Jeremy Carver on the other hand (deliberately?) broke the borders between the two philosophies and focused more on the materialistic and esoteric eastern belief system. This is the reason, why canon of the show is being deliberately neglected further causes major confusion. Because mixing two philosophies, plus depicting eastern esoteric all together is simply illogical and therefore non-sense.

'Humanizing God' leads us automatically to 'humanizing Lucifer'. Which of course fits perfectly into the abolishing of absolutes. Since there are now no absolutes, there can be no more 'absolute evil'. Everything is relative. This kind of mind set will cause confusion. And to minimize the upcoming confusion in the viewers mind, there than has to be an explanation given which is than based on emotions instead of reason. And in our case would be simply 'the evilness of Lucifer was caused because he was / is a misunderstood son'. Now the horror and trauma Lucifer consciously caused has to be deliberately neglected or relativized. That is why I assume SPN edited the scene's where Sam expressed his feelings about Lucifer to Chuck. Simply because showing Sam's individual trauma, which Lucifer had consciously caused, would contradict the shown demeanor of Lucifer being a misunderstood son. 

And here lies the dilemma with relativism, if there is no evil, than there are no victims of evil.
Further a reason why Dean's lack of verbal or physical actions towards Lucifer, the torturer of his brother, in the MoL's bunker contradicted Dean's usual ultimate protective behavior towards his brother. And a lot of viewers noticed Dean's OOC behavior and pointed it out. Jeremy Carver had to bend the major characteristics of the leading protagonist and consciously neglect their absolute characterization. Without doing so, his 'relativism' construct hidden behind emotional trigger elements, wouldn't have fitted into the given known narrative of SPN. 

Having this in mind, one will than comprehend why Darkness (portrayed as a humanized Amara) 'evil' actions on earth were suddenly in the final episode meaningless. Let's not forget around twenty episodes the viewer was shown and told that Darkness / Amara was the absolute evil in the universe. No angel or demon nor Death could compete with 'her'. Darkness was the ultimate destroyer of not only mankind but also the universe. But than out of nowhere Darkness suddenly changed it's attitude. Don't forget there were no given indications that Darkness would change it's absolute destructing behavior. Now after having a short human(ized) 'emotional' pep talk with the pigeon lady, Dean and Chuck, it's past absolute destructing actions were not absolute anymore but relatively insignificant or lets say forgettable. By changing the narrative from absolute to relative, the whole season 11 became hollow, incoherent and therefor unbelievable.

 A further shown 'relativism' in the final episode was the interaction's between Rowena (a witch), Crowley (a demon), Dean and Sam. Remember Kripke / SPN canon? Dean:”I hate witches” and Sam:”I hate demons”. The term 'hate' is an absolute claim, a misinterpretation can not occur.
Again in the season final Jeremy Carver miraculously changed (by using comedy = emotional trigger) these absolute statements made by the major protagonists of the show and than erased or relativized the given canon. The result Dean having no issue working with Rowena and Sam having no issue working with Crowley in the final episode.
Furthermore by portraying Rowena and Crowley in a comedian fashion, their absolute metaphysical 'evil' nature disappeared and they morphed into boring and disturbed but likeable materialistic humanized individuals. SPN is now 'Married With Children'.

Objectively we witnessed in the final episode how Jeremy Carver transformed metaphysical entities with an absolute 'evil' demeanor into tamed materialistic neutral gray humanized characters.
All depicted 'evil' characters turned out to be just misunderstood humanized children and siblings, who simply wanted to be accepted.
Crowley the son of Rowena
Lucifer the son of Chuck
Amara the sister of Chuck
….kum ba yah, all gathered in the bunker, to save the planet. We are one happy world family....

When Carver as an executive producer took over, everything changed. I remember once around season eight Carver mentioned he would break the brothers to build them up again. At that time I didn't comprehend what he truly meant. I mean the brothers were already mentally broken, why the need to break them more?
Now looking back I grasp what Carver truly meant, not the brothers but the overall classical concept Eric Kripke created had to be 'broken'. And precisely this happened.

Retrospective J. Carver started season eight with the purgatory. Interesting to say the least.
Purgatory is commonly regarded as a cleansing by way of painful temporal punishment, which, like the eternal punishment of hell, is associated with the idea of fire. One has to mention though, the purgatory idea is a Catholic dogma which arose around the the 12. century AD and is NOT based on bible scripture. (Further the purgatory dogma of the Catholic church was one of the major reason why the priest and scholar Martin Luther arose against the Roman institution aka Catholic church.)
That said, Carver used an occult alchemical, hermetic technique, namely one has to destroy the old, to achieve something new. Order out of chaos. 

This is what we viewers literally have seen, and the reason why a lot of SPN viewers were flabbergasted when watching the brothers interacting with each other. The leading protagonists of the show were suddenly acting totally out of character. Further season eight was also the moment when J. Carver broke the classical unique SPN concept of an individual family and introduced the new idea that every one, no matter if monster or human can now be a Winchester family member. Family now is relative and not absolute. Carver's family is now socialized and not an unique and individual construct anymore. 

 A further important theme Carver changed over the years is the meaning of consequences in general. Kripke showed us that actions have consequences and can hurt others, no matter if made out of love aka blinded by emotions, being uniformed or even informed. An action causes always a reaction, this is plain logic, reality and good storytelling. 

Carver on the other hand just deliberately ignores consequences. Carver started every season with all kind of dramatic events but never ended them, on the contrary he than shoves a new dramatic event into the ongoing story and thereby governs the viewer into another direction hoping that the viewer will forget that something during the ongoing storyline is missing. The deception works because he than uses emotional scenes that than override reason. Of course this kind of chaotic storytelling is the result of relativism.
And a majority of viewers have subconsciously noticed the chaotic storytelling without knowing why. Tons of 'meta' had been written by viewers trying to explain Dean & Sam's behavior, thereby using all kind of psychological or emotional explanations, hence trying to bring logic into the seen awkwardness. 

The hidden mind set

Immoral monster's are not that bad, you know it's relative, evil spirits aka demons the same. They are not absolutely evil, you know it's relative. Immoral human blood sucking monster's can now be true and real brothers, chosen brothers can now come and go, so seriously who cares if they get killed, we will find a new one. Demon's are just humans that had a bad childhood. Crowley, the demon and king of Hell, an immoral mass murderer, who once even wanted to eliminate the Winchester's, deliberately caused Sam pain and KILLED Sam's friend Sahra is now the friendly neighbor on speed dial. Rowena, an immoral mass murderer is just a fan girl who loves the extremes, nothing to worry about. Metatron, jeez please, forget that the celestial entity deliberately KILLED Dean and Kevin. The NOT human Demon-Dean KILLING an innocent young boy and humans, ...who cares, come on what a big deal. Werewolves are just big puppies. The celestial being Lucifer, well luck wasn't on his side, so give him a chance and thereby forget that he want's to DESTROY mankind and TORTURED Sam for eon's further wanted to KILL Sam after being released by a humanized, not very intelligent celestial being going by the name of Castiel. The entity Castiel that manipulated and lied to the Winchesters, who deliberately HURT and ABUSED Sam and Dean, KILLED hundreds of humans and angels, who caused civil war in heaven, has no clue about the supra-natural, but hey that was yesterday, today he is now a real brother. Oh and ignore bodily autonomy, it's just one of the MAJOR UNIVERSAL(!) human rights, you know abusing it in the name of love is totally acceptable.
Ohhh and BTW put the blame on Sam!
This Ladies and Gentleman is a summary of the seasons 8-11, Jeremy Carvers SPN legacy. Don't expect any logic or rules, because there aren't any, well because... everything is relative.

In the beginning of my text I wasn't sure if J. Carver consciously changed the inner structure of the TV show SPN, but now I am absolutely(!) sure he knew what he was doing.
First of all he is an invisible person in Hollywood. Which is very odd and suspicious, it is a known fact Hollywood is the place where people are the product and a public figure. One will not find any biography of him on IMBd or Wikipedia, just compare Eric Kripke's biography with Carver's one will notice the difference right away.
Than we have the BBC remake series 'Being Human', which he co-developed for the US SIFI channel together with his wife. The significance of the show is immoral monster's portrayed as everyday 'normal' humans. Again he is 'humanizing' and thereby normalizing monsters that don't belong to the moral community. And now he is writing a TV series for CW / WB based on the film 'Frequency', and thereby changes the gender of the original story, social engineering at it's best.
Conspicuously Carver hasn't created anything on his own, 'SPN' was created by Eric Kripke, 'Being Human' is originally a BBC TV show and 'Frequency' is a film made in the year 2000.
What he only does, he changes the inner core of a series to propagate in a subliminal manner a today wanted hidden mind set. Actually what Hollywood in general does, is only 'social engineered' remakes.

A mind set that propagates everything is possible, no more moral, ethical, or natural aka biological rules / laws to follow, laws which had subconsciously and consciously guided and determined through out centuries western (European) mankind's thinking and demeanor. Since there are now no 'believed' boundaries anymore, because everything is relative, it is believed mankind's conscious will evolve into a higher state of being and the result would be, so believed, man becomes gods themselves.

You may be skeptical about such statements, but our higher echelon leaders and elites in politics or science are not, they truly believe in this kind of materialistic philosophy and religion and promote such 'ideologies' through out media and universities. I heavily suspect Carver is one of them promoters. Surly I have no evidence, except his very obvious media work and lack of appearance as a Hollywood TV series producer and script writer on the internet and social network.

 “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” 


How do I know Carver or Hollywood in general is pushing and promoting an agenda? The used topic's, symbols and terminology show and tell me ad hoc what I need to know.

“If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, is it not possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing about it? The recent practice of propaganda has proved that it is possible...” -Edward Bernays 
He called this scientific technique of opinion-molding the engineering of consent.
'He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.' 
- George Orwell

Now just by recognizing the observed on the series, which Carver had presented us over the years, I knew in a way he was manipulating perception. Until the last episodes I couldn't define definitely what he was trying to achieve, but the hint was given in episode 11x23 when mentioned the whole universal, cosmic balance of dark and light (black & white) and yin and yang mind set. Not only mentioned but even shown, Chuck / male morphed into white 'smoke' (yang) and Amara / female morphed into black 'smoke' (yin) and than they intertwined and became one.
I mean how obvious can it get?

So if one assumes SPN is showing Christian mythology, than guess what, it isn't. It's only manipulating the unknown viewer perception to believe such. Because the title of the final episode of 11x23 'Alpha & Omega' has absolutely nothing to do with what was shown.

I started with the ideology of relativism, which mostly defines the humanist religion. Hence there is no absolute truth except man himself, ergo man becomming gods.

This kind of thinking is the result of a perverted western form of the occult Chinese Book of changes (I Ching) which is associated with Taoism and Yin and Yang.
The terms Yin and Yang merely refer to opposites in nature: light and shadow, positive and negative, masculine and feminine, etc. But in the hands of the Taoists, they became a mystical unity of opposites and a declaration of moral relativism, denying the existence of universal moral standards. The Yin and the Yang are in continual cyclical motion, first one dominant and then the other. The seed of Yin is in the Yang and vice versa, as indicated by the dots in either side of the symbol. 

Most importantly, good and evil, right and wrong are also subject to the law of Yin and Yang. Chuang Tzu said: “Take no heed of time, nor of right and wrong” (Chuang Tzu, 2). Also: “If we say that anything is good or evil because it is either good or evil in our eyes, then there is nothing which is not good, nothing which is not evil. Those who would have right without its correlative wrong, or good government without its correlative misrule—they do not apprehend the great principles of the universe.”

This moral relativism is the same as the gnostic “Power of Light” and “Power of Darkness” ideology present in the West in Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry. As seen, it is this aspect of Taoism.
Since it represent monism (all is one) and pantheism (all is God), it opposes Christianity, which shows us that there is only one God (monotheism), and only in Christ can we be one.
To bad that nobody will or can ask J. Carver why the final episode wasn't titled 'Yin and Yang' or 'The Power of Light and Darkness', it truly would have been a honest decision.

Alpha and Omega 

Now when J. Carver deliberately used the NT bible reference for the final episode, namely 'Alpha and Omega', he KNEW viewers would subconsciously believe the shown topic has in one way or other to do with Christianity, and geez this sucks. Seriously it sucks, because nobody will research if the said and shown in the episode is valid. Nope, not at all, why check if one only needs to parrot what is said or shown on TV.
(please excuse my rant)

The alpha (Ἄλφα) and omega ( Ὦ [ωμέγα] ) are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet, and a title of Christ. The term Alpha and Omega comes from the phrase "I am the alpha and the o[mega]", an appellation of Jesus in the Book of Revelation.
I am Alpha and O[mega], the beginning and the end, the first and the last.” Revelation 22:13 (ἐγὼ τὸ Ἄλφα καὶ τὸ Ὦ, ὁ πρῶτος καὶ ὁ ἔσχατος, ἡ ἀρχὴ καὶ τὸ τέλος.) In the original Greek, the Omega is not spelled out as is the Alpha. Why? Because Christ is the beginning, and the beginning is already completed. But the end is yet to be; so, He didn't spell out the Omega in this instance. One day He will complete God's program. This is a very interesting detail in the Greek text.
This phrase is only mentioned three times in the entire Bible but clearly it is Jesus Christ. We find all three of these phrases in the Book of Revelation.

As one now can comprehend the shown content on SPN doesn't correlate with western Christian belief or mythology. J. Carver the executive producer of SPN deliberately mislead the viewers, by knowing the audience would automatically associate the given names and topics with the Bible.
On the contrary he propagated IMO a very questionable 'relativism' ideology hidden behind subliminal emotional trigger elements.
This is the main trick Jeremy Carter and like every one in the media / PR industry had done. It is a known scientific fact emotions have the power to override even the most rational decisions. Studies confirmed what Plato had postulated thousands of years earlier: affect and not cognition is the major determinant of action and belief. The evidence of the manipulation through depicted emotional scenes can be witnessed by scrolling through tumblr. The brotherly hug at the cemetery, Sam's shown grief or Dean's dialog with the celestial being Castiel, were the most depicted posts after the final episode had aired. Further some viewers commented the final episode had 'shown' what they expected to see and therefor were not disappointed. In the end the major inconsistencies of the show were deliberately ignored to keep up the comfy feel good feeling.

Personally I don't like being messed around with, and I don't like it when others without their knowing are being deliberately manipulated. Simply because I grew up in West-Berlin during the cold war, therefor I know how propaganda can mess with people's perception.
All I want is a dynamic but coherent story. Eric Kripke gave us viewers a beautiful classical story with two absolutely remarkable actors, sadly to say Carver trashed it for his IMO own belief. I hope the future episodes in season 12 will bring back the known and familiar Winchester flair.

Bildergebnis für spn 11x23 sam and dean